YPL / Water Divine Press Release!!! | |
Good Day Crusaders,
This is an URGENT Press Release:
Walt Merriman, the Nation's Foremost Wellness Coach, Guru, Mentor and Author will
be delivering powerful new Wellness Seminar entitled:
Secrets of the Physically Abundant
When: Sunday, Aug 24
Time: 4 pm
Place: BIT Group Training Center
8950 Route 108
Columbia, MD 21042
We want everyone around the country who knows anyone in the Washington, DC.,
Maryland, Delaware, and Philadelphia areas to get their family, friends and associates to this life-changing seminar.
Walt Merriman will tell is like it is and empower folks to make positive changes
in their health.
Water Divine products will be on site, so you can make money from this seminar,
even if you can't attend.
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What YPL members are saying about Walt and Water Divine
In March of 2006, I had a life threatening, flesh eating bacterial infection.
Three others had gone to the same hospital with the same infection that year. All three of them died. The doctors
said my condition was worst than those three.
Because of regulatory rule, I can't say that the Water Divine product line
had anything to do with the fact that I am alive and well.
What I can speak to is how the doctors are amazed at my recovery.
The doctors thought that if I lived, they would have to amputate my left
leg. Well, after they did not have to amputate my leg, they then thought I would walk with a cane for the rest of
my life.
While I am pictured above with a cane, I only used it for 6 weeks.
My husband and I have two AWESOME boys, T. Le Mont, Jr. and Joshua.
As you might expect, DADDY also wanted his little girl. For over 8 years we had not conceived. However,
just 6 months after almost losing my life, we were blessed with another life as we conceived.
On July 21, 2007, just 15 months after they said I would die, a little
piece of Heaven came into our lives as we gave birth to Heaven Eliana Silver.
Heaven is now almost 13 months and has never had a fever, or diarrhea that
is normally associated with teething. She has had only one episode of runny nose when she was 10 months. Incidentally,
we had just run out of our Body Foundation and were waiting on your auto-ship.
We're people of Faith so we know our Creator is the healer... but we believe
that HE used Walt and his knowledge about nutrition to bring about these miracles!!!
If you have to drive for hours to attend this seminar, it would be well worth
the trip!!!
Karen Silver, Platinum Team Leader
Heaven at 11 months
Without Walt Merriman, Water Divine and Your Promised Land, Heaven may
have never come into our lives. What is that worth???
Personal Wellness & Dream Corner
Do not follow where the
path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Harold R. McAlindon
If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle
Go For The Gold
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